CNI Fall 2020 Project Briefings
Project Briefings & Plenary Sessions from CNI Meetings
Academic Libraries Join the Fight Against Climate Change (December '20)
Lisa Spiro, Rice University
Ashley Fitzpatrick, Rice University
Adapting Library GIS Services in the Age of COVID-19: Challenges, Changes, and Planning for the Future (December '20)
Michael Shensky, University of Texas at Austin
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Advancing Computational Reproducibility in the Social Sciences: Creating and Using Digital Reproduction Records as a Pedagogical Tool (December '20)
Katie Hoeberling, University of California Berkeley
Fernando Hoces de la Guardia, University of California, Berkeley
Building Data Literacy – the Northeast Student Data Corps (December '20)
Florence Hudson, Columbia University
Yousef Danisman, Queensborough College
Jennifer Oxenford, Kinber
Building Hyku for Cross-Consortia Partnerships (December '20)
Kirsten Leonard, PALNI
Jill Morris, PALCI
The Catholic News Archive (December '20)
Paul Bracke, Gonzaga University
Jean McManus, University of Notre Dame
Compassionate Computing: Leveraging Socio-Technical Practices for Technical and Cultural Change (December '20)
Laurie Taylor, University of Florida
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Computer Lab Access Amid COVID-19 Restrictions: The Sprint to Maintain Support for Any Distance Users at UT Austin Libraries (December '20)
Fred Gilmore, University of Texas, Austin
Connecting Communities of Practice to Support Big Social Data Stewardship (December '20)
Sara Mannheimer, Montana State University
Containerizing Digital Exhibits for Scalability and Sustainment (December '20)
Larry Yang, The University of Texas at Austin
Allyssa Guzman, The University of Texas at Austin
The COVID Information Commons (December '20)
Florence Hudson, Columbia University
Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen, Columbia University
Nora Garza, Laredo College
Sarah Bowman, University of Buffalo
CreateUK: Opportunities for Digital Pedagogy, Projects, and Collaborative Infrastructure (December '20)
Jennifer Hootman, University of Kentucky
Demonstrating PresQT Services for FAIR Software and Data Preservation (December '20)
Natalie Meyers, University of Notre Dame
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame
Digital Lending During a Pandemic: A Dual Approach to Secure Document Delivery on a Deadline (December '20)
Anthony Helm, Brown University
Joseph Rhoads, Brown University
The Digital Library of the Caribbean’s Use of Technical and Management Practices to Enable Equity (December '20)
Laurie Taylor, University of Florida
Brian Keith, University of Florida
Jeffrey Oliver, University of Arizona
Megan Senseney, University of Arizona
Dismantling Racism in Collaborative Collections (December '20)
Shanee Murrain, Digital Public Library of America
Penelope Shumaker, State Library of Ohio
Leanne Finnigan, Temple University
Ann Hanlon, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Emulation In Action: Applying EaaSI for Research and Study (December '20)
Seth Anderson, Yale University
Ethan Gates, Yale University
Jessica Meyerson, Educopia Institute
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Enabling and Reusing Multilingual Citizen Contributions in the Archival Record (December '20)
Allyssa Guzman, University of Texas at Austin
Albert Palacios, University of Texas at Austin
An Evolution of Bibliometrics and Research Impact Services (December '20)
Laura Bredahl, University of Waterloo
Examining Campus Research Services (December '20)
Brian Lavoie, OCLC
Rebecca Bryant, OCLC
Rebecca Springer, Ithaka S+R
Jane Radecki, Ithaka S+R
Expanding the Experiential Library: Using Livestreaming to Adapt Hands-on Learning Spaces During a Global Pandemic (December '20)
Claire Cahoon, North Carolina State University
Colin Nickels, North Carolina State University
Kelly Miller, University of Miami
Kineret Ben-Knaan, University of Miami
James Sobczak, University of Miami
Angela Clark Hughes, University of Miami
Exposing Digital Preservation and Access Workflows Through SIPOC, RACI and Brainwriting (December '20)
Daniel Noonan, The Ohio State University
Sue Beck, The Ohio State University
The FAIR Signposting Profile (December '20)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Data Archive and Networked Services
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fedora Migration Paths and Tools: Pilot Project Update (December '20)
David Wilcox, LYRASIS
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
Amy Blau, Whitman College
From Toll Roads to Highways: How the OA Switchboard is Building the Infrastructure for an OA-driven Scholarly Communications Landscape (December '20)
Yvonne Campfens, OASPA/OA Switchboard
Sara Rouhi, PLOS
Liz Ball, Jisc
Maurice York, Big Ten Academic Alliance
Geodisy: A New, Visual Way to Discover Canadian Research Data (December '20)
Eugene Barsky, University of British Columbia
High Fidelity: Connecting information for Better Research Reproducibility (December '20)
Peter Oxley, Cornell University
Terrie Wheeler, Cornell University
How Do We Measure Up? A Capabilities Model and Benchmarking Baseline for Research Computing and Data (December '20)
Patrick Schmitz, Semper Cogito Consulting
Claire Mizumoto, UC San Diego
IIIF Standards Beyond Images: Working with A/V, Discovery, and More (December '20)
Josh Hadro, IIIF Consortium
Implementing a Consortium Model for Sustainability and Development of Large-Scale Digital Humanities Research Projects (December '20)
Wayne Morse, Emory University
David Eltis, Emory University
Implementing a Resilient Culture of Collaboration When Facing Global Challenges (December '20)
Brad Warren, University of Cincinnati
Lori Harris, University of Cincinnati
INCIPIT: an Archival Resource Key (ARK) Allocation Service in Switzerland (December '20)
Julien Raemy, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Haute école de gestion de Genève
René Schneider, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Haute école de gestion de Genève
Incorporating Library Values in Campus Digital Experiences: Enabling Secure Access to Library Resources via OpenAthens (December '20)
Hong Ma, Loyola University Chicago
Margaret Heller, Loyola University Chicago
Infusing Technology with Pedagogy: An Academic Library’s Partnership with IT and Academic Affairs (December '20)
Katy O’Neill, Loyola University Maryland
Matthew Treskon, Loyola University Maryland
Instructional Resilience: Leveraging an OER Initiative to Support Instruction in the Era of Covid-19 (December '20)
Mike Chee, University of Waterloo
Kari Weaver, University of Waterloo
Investigating the Spatial Arrangements of Makerspaces and its Impact on Diverse Student Populations (December '20)
Maggie Melo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ithaka S+R US Library Survey 2020: Library Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis (December '20)
Jennifer Frederick, Ithaka S+R
Christine Wolff-Eisenberg, Ithaka S+R
Kamran Naim, CERN
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Sara Rouhi, PLOS
Sharla Lair, LYRASIS
Emily Farrell, The MIT Press
A Library’s Role in Times of COVID: Lessons Learned from the JHU Global COVID-19 Map (December '20)
Reina Murray, Johns Hopkins University
Mara Blake, Johns Hopkins University
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Nina Exner, Virginia Commonwealth University
Stephen Bollinger, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
The Library Technology Career Jumpstart Program: A Transformational Approach to Technical Skill-Building for LIS Students (December '20)
Tori Culler, North Carolina State University
Kevin Beswick, North Carolina State University
Managing Occupancy through Tech Solutions during COVID-19 at Clemson University (December '20)
Christopher Vinson, Clemson University
Kelsey Sheaffer, Clemson University
Mapping Digital Scholarly Communication Infrastructure – Final Report (December '20)
David Lewis, IUPUI University
Mike Roy, Middlebury College
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
Mining ETDs for Trends in Graduate Research (December '20)
William Ingram, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
A Model for Centralizing Data and Bioinformation Services at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library (December '20)
Jean-Paul Courneya, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Amy Yarnell, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Modernizing Scholarly Professional Development with A11Y and AI (December '20)
Tony Zanders, Skilltype
Erin Tripp, LYRASIS
Moving Forward in the Time of COVID: Managing a Large Library Website Migration while Moving Remote (December '20)
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Next Generation Machine Learning: The Evolution of the Library as Research Partner, Project Catalyst and Digital Integrator (December '20)
James Lee, University of Cincinnati
Xuemao Wang, University of Cincinnati
NISO Metadata Recommendations for the E-Book Supply Chain and Audio & Video Information Space (December '20)
Nettie Lagace, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
No-nonsense, Practical Guide to Implementing Effective Data Practices (December '20)
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Pennsylvania State University
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
John Chodacki, California Digital Library
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NSF-DOE Interagency Collaboration to Enable Public Access to Federally-Funded Scholarly Publications (December '20)
Martin Halbert, National Science Foundation
Lance Vowell, Department of Energy
Outcomes OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion Series (December '20)
Astrid Verheusen, LIBER
Titia van der Werf, OCLC
Perspectives on Metadb: Analytics in the Library (December '20)
Nassib Nassar, Index Data
Preserving the Library’s Legacy When a College Closes: Marygrove College Library & Controlled Digital Lending (December '20)
Brewster Kahle, Internet Archive
Chris Freeland, Internet Archive
Michelle Wu, Georgetown University
Elizabeth Burns, Marygrove College
Privacy Stew and Stewardship (December '20)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
Professional Development and the Development of a Profession: a Research Computing and Data Community (December '20)
Lauren Michael, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Scott Yockel, Harvard University
ReCiter: an Open Source Author Disambiguation System for Academic Medical Institutions (December '20)
Paul Albert, Cornell University
Sarbajit Dutta, Cornell University
Reconstructing the Temple of Bel, New Roles and Functions for Digital Archives (December '20)
Roger Smith, University of California San Diego
Scott McAvoy, University of California San Diego
SciENcv Biosketch & ORCID (December '20)
Shawna Sadler, ORCID
Sourcery: Remote Access to Archives During the Pandemic (December '20)
Wes Hamrick, University of Connecticut
Garrett McComas, University of Connecticut
Summarizing Web Archives through Storytelling with the Dark and Stormy Archives Project (December '20)
Shawn Jones, Los Alamos National Research Library
Sustaining International Partnerships and Building Open Access Collections during COVID-19: Two case studies from the UCLA Library (December '20)
Rachel Deblinger, University of California Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California Los Angeles
Thinking Outside the [monolith] Box: A Microservices Approach to Online GLAM Collections (December '20)
Abigail Shelton, University of Notre Dame
Robert Fox, University of Notre Dame
Towards a US Research Data Framework (December '20)
Robert Hanisch, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Transforming Scholarly Publishing at The Ohio State University (December '20)
Maureen Walsh, The Ohio State University
A Tree’s Strength Is Its Trunk: IIIF as Central Operational Infrastructure (December '20)
Mark Matienzo, Stanford University
Esmé Cowles, Princeton University
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Using AWS Speech-to-text to Provide Better Access to Online Educational Materials (December '20)
Daniel Jacobs, University of Texas Austin
Using Newspapers as Data for Collaborative Pedagogy: A Multidisciplinary Interrogation of the Borderlands in University Classrooms (December '20)
Megan Senseney, University of Arizona
Mary Feeney, University of Arizona
Jeffrey Oliver, University of Arizona
Anita Huizar-Hernández, University of Arizona
Week 1: Developing and Managing Networked Information Content Summary Session (December '20)
Clifford Lynch, CNI
Week 2: Transforming Organizations, Professions, and Individuals Summary Session (December '20)
Clifford Lynch, CNI
Week 3: Building Technology, Standards, and Infrastructure Summary Session (December '20)
Clifford Lynch, CNI
Last updated: Wednesday, August 17th, 2011