Heidi Imker
Director, Research Data Service
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lisa Johnston
Data Management/Curation Lead
University of Minnesota
The Data Curation Network (DCN) was established to serve as the “human layer” in the data repository stack and seamlessly connects local data sets to expert data curators via a cross-institutional shared staffing model. This includes both (1) curation of data sets across institutional boundaries, spanning across 12 academic institutions and non-profit data repositories, and (2) supporting the data curator community by providing professional development opportunities. The DCN was initially funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, beginning with a 1-year planning grant in 2016 and a 3-year implementation grant in 2018. From the beginning, we (and Sloan) knew the DCN could not persist indefinitely on grant funds alone, and we would need a robust model in order to transition to a sustainable organization. Knowing this, DCN Co-PIs progressively worked towards developing a sustainability model that encapsulated our ambitions to grow and thrive, but could also be feasibly funded by our administrations. In this presentation, two members of the DCN leadership team share our sustainability planning efforts, including their motivations, process, outcomes, and current results.
Data Curation Network: https://datacurationnetwork.org/
Sustainability and Transition Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vR80P6zSpD6c4Qp53sNJExh4XWdphlbeYSucxfoiKdfbLO48fMgo4eFqlJKIlyJKEM8xPQXJEEllwLa/pub