May Chan
Head, Metadata Services
University of Toronto
This session describes a pilot project that seeks to facilitate inclusive and equitable opportunities to learn core computational literacy and data science skills at the University of Toronto. The project team’s approach to promoting such skill development actively reaches a diverse range of students, faculty, and staff in the university community regardless of the field of study or work. The heart of this pilot is driven by becoming a member organization of The Carpentries, a global community whose mission is to teach foundational computational and data science skills to researchers in academia, industry, and government through a transformative pedagogy and cooperatively developed curriculum. The session outlines how the project team has capitalized on membership benefits to cultivate a learning culture that relies on cross-functional collaboration at a large research university. Such collaboration empowers novice learners to acquire computational and data science skills in a mindfully scaffolded way, continue in self-directed learning, and give confidence to other novice learners in their networks. This presentation will be relevant to those interested in innovations in teaching and learning and infrastructure to support research.