Albert R. Mann Library’s Instruction Program
Project Number 30 – 1993
Instruction Coordinator
Albert R. Mann Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4301
(607) 255-2199
Fax: (607) 255-0850
Other Individuals And Organizations Associated With The Project
Most members of the Mann Library professional staff are involved in instruction in some capacity. Classes are taught primarily by librarians from the Mann library Public Services Division and computer professionals from Mann’s Information Techology Section. Collection development, preservation and technical services librarians also participate in instruction.
The underlying philosophy of Mann’s instruction program has been that users of the electronic libary need information technology skills, and it is the responsibility of librarians to teach these skills.
- a. Tutorials on use of databases: Developed for two large undergraduate classes: Introductory Biology (900+ students), and Nutrition and Health: Concepts and Controversies (500+ students).
b. Instruction of TAs for large undergraduate classes, i.e., Oral Communication (500+ students). The TAs then teach the students in their sections how to use specific information resources.
c. Course related instruction: done upon request for a variety of undergraduate classes (500+students).
d. Open workshop series for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff (500+students).
1. Electronic Library–subject/database specific 2. Information Management–system/software specific
e. Faculty/Department & Graduate student/Seminar series presentations (100+).
Current Status of Project
Continually evolving; each semester new classes are developed or restructured according to the feedback we collect from students, primary instructors and staff who act as TAs for sessions.
The instruction activities involve the use of resources that are available in a networked technology rich environment. Instructional emphasis is on working with technology to empower scholars in their information gathering and management skills. Remote access to 11 databases is available to the Cornell community via the Mann Library Gateway. The scope of this portion of our collection is expanding dramatically every semester. Databases that are currently available include bibliographic, numeric and hybrid (both bibliographic and numeric data) files. Mann Library is leading the way by providing an open environment of learning which is strongly rooted in the use of technology to expedite and augment the intellectual growth of students and faculty.
Present Facilities
- 40 computers in the second floor database area–includes dedicated OPAC terminals. Most of these have CD-ROM players and printers attached.
35 computers in first floor Micro Center–twenty of these are used to teach hands-on classes. All of these computers are networked.
2 computers in Online Classroom– one PC & one Mac–used to demonstrate CD-ROM databases and other limited access resources. These have network connections and CD-ROM players.
2 LCD units–used in each of the teaching facilities
2 overhead projectors
1 laptop computer– used to demonstrate databases in “out of library” classes