David Lindahl
Web Initiatives Manager
University of Rochester
Nancy Foster
Information Analyst, Digital Initiatives
University of Rochester
This session is based on a recent IMLS-funded study of faculty members at the University of Rochester, and on our experience implementing an institutional repository (IR) using DSpace. Many academic institutions are implementing IRs but few faculty members are embracing them with enthusiasm. We studied how faculty members do their work in order to understand how IRs can support that scholarship and attract faculty support and participation. In this session, we will share our findings and demonstrate the DSpace enhancement we built to meet important but unaddressed user needs. The hour will begin with a brief overview of our work-practice study and participatory design methodologies. We will show videotaped interview segments, compare faculty, librarian, IT, and other key stakeholder perspectives, and list key faculty needs in connection with web-based research support services. The session will also show how we mapped faculty needs to IR features and how we plan to meet faculty needs with short- and long-term solutions. There will be a demonstration of the DSpace enhancement.