Howard Besser
Professor and MIAP Director
New York University
Walter Forsberg
Research Fellow
New York University
Melissa Brown
Scholarly Communications Librarian
New York University
What will become of commercially produced circulating analog video collections in libraries, in the near-term? New York University studies reveal a significant number of mass-produced VHS titles distributed to the higher education market are now both out-of-print and held by a small number of institutions, posing an urgent and complex challenge to media collections managers. This panel comprises several in-progress findings from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded “Video At Risk” (VAR) project, designed as a practical map for libraries to systematically replace, migrate, and preserve these collections. The session will include an overview of the VAR project, information about the project’s Section 108 Guidelines for reformatting copyrighted materials, tests quantifying tape deterioration, and the project’s strategies for replacement