John Butler
Associate University Librarian for Information Technology
University of Minnesota
John Weise
Head, Digital Library Production Service
University of Michigan
Eric Celeste
Minnesota Digital Library
From September through December 2010 the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL), a state-wide coalition of cultural heritage institutions, worked with HathiTrust to add image content from MDL’s Minnesota Reflections database and the Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) to the HathiTrust Digital Library as a prototype preservation archive. In addition to exploring a state-wide approach to addressing growing digital preservation needs, the project also intended to help HathiTrust make progress against its long-term objective to support formats beyond books and journals. Nearly 50,000 images from Minnesota Reflections and MHS were ingested into to HathiTrust for ingest in January 2011. We will share some of the lessons learned related to policy, standards, and technology by both the Minnesota and HathiTrust teams from this early effort to engage partners in the ingest preparation process and take HathiTrust beyond the book.
Handout (PDF)