Martin Halbert
Dean of Libraries and Associate Professor
University of North Texas
Matt Schultz
Collaborative Services Librarian
Educopia Institute
Members of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance and the Educopia Institute are developing a framework for implementing the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model and the Trustworthy Repository Auditing Certification (TRAC) metrics in a distributed digital preservation (DDP) environment. This work will conclude with a submission to the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) for review and approval similar to the Producer Archive Interface Methodology Abstract Standard (PAIMAS).
Our aims are as follows:
1. Describe the roles and responsibilities at institutions which are working to replicate and preserve digital information in a geographically distributed environment;
2. Provide a common vocabulary and set of recommendations for trustworthy interoperable systems development; and
3. Inform administrative and technical practices between groups that seek to collaboratively preserve digital information using distributed mechanisms.
This presentation will include a description of the workplan for this project and the findings from initial white paper gap analysis work on OAIS Section 6: Archive Interoperability and various DDP use cases. Wider participation in this effort by other groups is also being sought.
Handout (PDF)