David Reser
Senior Cataloging Policy Specialist
Library of Congress
On January 16, 2008, the Library of Congress launched a pilot project on Flickr as part of a new collaboration that inspired The Commons, where cultural heritage institutions could share selections from their photo archives and invite the public to contribute information within this specially designated Flickr space. The Library has received an enormous amount of positive feedback on this project from within Flickr, from the traditional press, and from the Web 2.0 community at large. The Library’s objectives and desired outcomes were met as the project increased awareness of the Library and its collections, sparked creative interaction with collections, provided LC staff with experience with social tagging and Web 2.0 community input, and allowed the Library to provide leadership to cultural heritage and government communities. The presentation will include information on the background of the project, what was learned along the way (including the pleasant surprises), the measurable impact of the project, and recommendations for the future.
Handout (Web)