Richard Fyffe
Assistant Dean of Libraries for Scholarly Communication
University of Kansas
Deborah Ludwig
Director, Information Systems
University of Kansas
Beth Warner
Assistant Vice Provost for Information Services
University of Kansas
Marilu Goodyear
Vice Provost for Information Services
University of Kansas
As new tools are introduced across the institution to facilitate scholarly research, teaching and administrative functions, it is vital that enterprise-wide policies and processes be developed to govern and facilitate their use. Policy development should occur through collaboration between information professionals and the faculty and staff whose scholarly and administrative output and practices must be accommodated. At the University of Kansas, two major efforts are underway to explore the policy and process issues involved in the capture and preservation of institutional scholarly and administrative information. As part of KU’s institutional repository program, KU ScholarWorks (, we have developed an analytic framework of policy issues along with possible responses, and are presenting this framework to groups of early adopters and other informed faculty. Preliminary results from early interviews and reflections on the strengths and limitations of this approach for long-term policy development will be presented. In a related effort, the Digital Preservation Task Force is exploring the implications of a University-level commitment to the preservation of digital resources, both administrative and academic, along with the information services infrastructure (organizational, technical, policy, financial) suitable for carrying forward this enterprise-wide commitment. Results to date, focusing on research on and synthesis of current “best practice”; creating a prototype for a university-wide inventory of digital assets or asset-types; and educating / communicating with academic and administrative stakeholders will be discussed.
Web Link:
University of Kansas, Digital Preservation Task Force
KU ScholarWorks
Implications of Capture and Preservation (PDF)