Jon Dunn
Assistant Dean for Library Technologies
Indiana University
The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) recently announced a new program of work in the US that will support existing and new members across the Americas. The program will be led by a new, US-based, DPC-dedicated staff member, and is intended to bring greater attention and access to good practice within the dynamic digital preservation community from across the region. Founded in 2002 by its first members in the UK and Ireland, the DPC’s membership has now grown to incorporate 156 members in 24 countries around the world, including 18 across the Americas. The DPC works with its network of organizations to deliver resilient, long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, and sharing good practice and standards. By establishing a US-based resource, DPC hopes to expand its collaboration with the established, robust digital preservation community in the Americas to complement and sustain their activities and amplify them for DPC members around the world.