Ray Denenberg
Senior Networked Engineer
Library of Congress
Pat Stevens
Manager, Product Planning & Special Projects
ZING, Z39.50-International: Next Generation, brings together a number of current initiatives by Z39.50 implementors looking at making Z39.50 a more mainstream protocol and lowering implementation barriers, while preserving the intellectual contributions of Z39.50 that have accumulated over 20 years. This session will focus on one of these efforts, the development of Search and Retrieval for the Web (SRW), a proof-of- concept initiative to enable development of value-added search and retrieve applications such as the scholar’s portal, that will integrate access to various networked resources. SRW, building on Z39.50 along with web technologies — XML, SOAP/RPC, WSDL and HTTP — recognizes the importance of Z39.50 for business-to-business communication, and focuses on getting information to the user.