Paul A. Soderdahl
Library Information Technology Director
University of Iowa
Steven R. Fleagle
Chief Information Officer
University of Iowa
John Maclachlan
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in New Media
McMaster University
“Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage (TILE): Innovative and Collaborative Learning in High-Tech Classrooms at the University of Iowa”
(Fleagle, Soderdahl)
The University of Iowa has rapidly transformed several classrooms into engaging, active learning spaces, and it has shifted the curriculum of 56 faculty members since the fall of 2009. Students are engaged in their learning as instructors move from the traditional role of “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side.” The rooms have been branded TILE to signify four basic principles: Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage. This session will include discussion of some of the challenges faced during this project, with particular attention to the use of active learning spaces in arts and humanities, and planned next steps including current assessment projects.
Handout (PDF)
“Uses of the Lyons New Media Center in Mills Library, McMaster University” (Maclachlan)
McMaster University’s Lyons New Media Center (LNMC) opened in Mills Memorial Library in September 2010, incorporating a help desk to assist with questions concerning new media (including software), video and audio editing workstations, a consultation space, a gaming theatre, and numerous additional features and benefits, including pedagogical. Numerous classes from across campus use the LNMC as both a permanent and occasional classroom and even more have created assignments to take advantage of the space and the expertise associated with it. This presentation will discuss how courses have effectively used the new Center, and will feature examples of student projects that have been created using LNMC resources.