Working Together
Sponsored by the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
with support from the
National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)
December 16-17, 1998
Georgetown University Conference Center
Washington, D.C.
DESCRIPTION: In an intensive, participatory workshop, archivists, records managers, and information technologists will look at the issues of digital preservation and access, and discuss the management of electronic records in their own institutional context. Sessions will include presentations, small group work, and a keynote by CNI’s Executive Director Clifford Lynch.
The emphasis of this workshop is on *teamwork* — bringing together teams of archivists, records managers, and information technologists who will begin to develop practical plans for electronic records management that can be implemented at their own institutions. Librarians with archive or records management responsibilities are also eligible and encouraged to participate as part of an institutional team. Individuals from higher education institutions, national, state and local archives and agencies, the corporate sector, and non-profit institutions are eligible to attend.
The purpose of the workshop is to promote the inclusion of archival and records management issues in systems development projects, create incentives for supporting electronic records management concerns, remove organizational barriers that prevent archivists from implementing electronic records programs, and educate archivists and information technologists about their shared responsibilities and interests in preservation of and access to electronic records. Through collaboration among information professionals, we hope to realize these goals.
- Agenda
December 3rd, 1998
FACILITATORS: Gerry Bernbom, Special Assistant for Digital Libraries and Distance Education, Office of the Vice President for Information Technology, Indiana University, is one of the original developers and facilitators for CNI’s Working Together Program. Bernbom has led efforts at Indiana on information architecture and co-directed an NHPRC-funded project on archiving electronic records. He was a Visiting Program officer at the Coalition for Networked Information in 1997 and led CNI’s Institution-Wide Information Strategies program. He has published articles and given presentations on information professionals, institution-wide information strategies, data architecture, security in a client-server environment, and other topics. He was the chair of the CAUSE97 conference, co-chaired the CAUSE Library/IT Partnerships Constituency Group, and served as the chair of CAUSE’s editorial committee. Bernbom has a B.A. and an M.S. Ed. from Northern Illinois University.
Fynnette Eaton currently serves as Director of the Technical Services Division within the Smithsonian Institution Archives. She joined the Smithsonian last year to establish an electronic records program at the SI Archives. Previously, she served as Chief of the Technical Services Branch at the Center for Electronic Records at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), where she was responsible for developing a preservation program for electronic records created by Federal agencies. Other work experience as an archivist at the National Archives included positions in the Office of Presidential Libraries and the Documentation Standards Staff. She has presented papers and is the author of articles on the preservation of electronic records at the National Archives. She was selected as a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists in 1995 and received the IAC/IRM Technology Excellence Award in 1996 for designing the Archival Preservation System at NARA. She has a B.A. and M.A. in History from the University of Maryland and attended the NAGARA Advanced Institute for Government Archivists on Archival Administration in the Electronic Information Age, Pittsburgh (1992 & 1993) and the National Defense University, IRM College, Advanced Management Program (1997).
REGISTRATION: Participants must register as institutional teams – one or more archivists or records managers and one or more information technologists per institution. REGISTRATION IS LIMITED.
CNI and NHPRC are subsidizing the costs of the meeting. Each participant is responsible for his/her transportation, lodging, and non-conference meals. There is no registration fee. In addition, participants from outside the Washington, D.C. area may be eligible for a $200 travel stipend.
To make hotel reservations, call: | ||
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Georgetown University Conference Center 800-228-9290 or 202-687-3232Mention the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Our room rate is $105 single; $120 double |
If you have questions about the program, please contact Joan Lippincott at