CNI Spring 2015 Membership Meeting
April 13-14, 2015
Seattle, Washington
The Westin Seattle
Recently Added:
- Think Different! The Value of Reading-list Technology in Better Integrating Libraries in Online Learning Environments (Grant, Sadeh)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - What Price Open Access? (Shieber, Schimmer, Anderson)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Innovative Uses of Islandora: Three Use Cases (Allen, Jordan, McLellan)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Challenges Presented by Institutional Identifiers (Smith-Yoshimura)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Building Expertise to Support Digital Scholarship: A Global Perspective (Cawthorne, Lewis, Spiro)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Integrating Digital Epigraphies (Sosin)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (Wolf, Cheetham)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Podcast Interviews with selected speakers & attendees, courtesy EDUCAUSE - Software Curation as a Digital Preservation Service (Webster, Cochrane)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - BIBFLOW: A Roadmap for Library Linked Data Implementation (Smith, Stahmer, Miller)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Social Networks and Archival Context: From R&D to Cooperative Program (Pitti, Tingle)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Visualization on the Big Screen (Sinclair, Hurley, Sexton)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Public Video Walls in Academic Libraries (Sadler, Nutt, Reaume)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Realizing the Potential of Research Data (Palmer)
[YouTube][Vimeo] - Providing Universal Access to Modern Materials-And Living to Tell the Tale (Kahle)
Representatives from CNI member organizations gather twice annually to explore new technologies, content, and applications; to further collaboration; to analyze technology policy issues; and to catalyze the development and deployment of new projects. Each member organization may send two representatives.
Project briefings, 45-minute or one-hour sessions that allow participants to interact informally about projects, initiatives, and ideas of their own choosing, are the very heart of every membership meeting. Plenary sessions are held at the beginning and end of each meeting and include presentations of CNI’s latest initiatives as well as insights from national and international leaders in the networked information community.