CNI Spring 2021
Virtual Membership Meeting
March 15-26, 2021
Plenary sessions will be held March 24-26, 12-5 pm EDT. Additional details will be provided as they are finalized.
Welcome to Spring 2021 Member Meeting Plenary Days
Summary of the Spring 2021 Executive Roundtable “Post-Pandemic Strategic Planning Challenges and Approaches”
March 24, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT
A preliminary summary and synthesis will be provided of what we heard at the Executive Roundtables during the preceding week, in advance of preparing the formal report.
Remote Access to Archives and Collections and the Sourcery Project
March 24, 1:30-2:30 pm EDT
With Clifford Lynch moderating, the panel will try to summarize and extend some very fruitful and provocative conversations about the Sourcery project and the broader issue of remote access to archives and special collections. This has enormous implications for resource allocation and service design, and also for research continuity.
The Big Ten Academic Alliance BIG Collection and its Implications
March 24, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT
Clifford Lynch will moderate this panel that will focus on prospective implications for the BIG collection as it deals with electronic resource licensing and transformative agreements with publishers.
Evolving Roles of Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and Chief Privacy Officers (CPOs) in the University Environment
March 25, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT
Over the past decade, chief information security officers (CISOs) have become more commonplace in university settings, and more recently we are seeing the emergence of chief privacy officers (CPOs). In this panel we’ll explore the evolving nature of these positions and examine how they relate to each other and to the roles of the chief information officer, the university librarian, and other institutional leadership. A specific focus will be on third-party data collection via instructional technology (for example, adaptive learning platforms or e-textbooks), or through electronic journal platforms offered by major publishers, and how CISOs and CPOs become involved in decision-making and policy development in these areas.
Collaborating with the Carpentries
March 25, 3:30-4:30 pm EDT
Kari Jordan will join us to explore opportunities for universities (and particularly IT and libraries) to collaborate with and support The Carpentries in expanding and democratizing new skills, most notably in the areas of computation and data science, to support research.
CLIR Fellows Panel
March 26, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT
CNI has long maintained a close relationship with the key CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program as part of our commitment to supporting emerging leaders in our community. At CNI meetings, attendees had opportunities to meet members from each cohort of fellows and learn about their fascinating work; at this session, we will adapt that opportunity for the current virtual meeting environment. We’ll hear from four CLIR fellows, about their work, and also about their concerns and challenges in the current environment. The session will include time for some conversation. CNI Executive Director Clifford Lynch will moderate the panel. Panelists will include:
Meeting Close
TBA: immediately following last session (10-15 minutes; not recorded)
A quick summary of the spring meeting and a look ahead at CNI activities in the coming months.
Code of Conduct
CNI is committed to maintaining a welcoming and inclusive environment for inquiry, constructive disagreement, and intellectual freedom and honesty. We do not tolerate personal attacks, harassment of any kind, violence, or disruptive behavior. Please be respectful of our community’s diversity and generous of others’ views. Please bring concerns to our attention by contacting a member of the CNI staff.
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